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Msecure URL link won't work

Opened MSecure today in Windows 10 and noticed that clicking on the URL link in an item won't work.    Rebooted and still no luck.   Has anyone else experienced this issue?

6 people have this problem

Clicking on the Website URL field, does not work now!

The update will be out this week. We also fixed a few other minor issues (printing, clicking and selecting text on fields, etc.) to go with this update.

How do we get the fix / update when it is released? Will we have to keep checking back here for the fix?

Any news as to when this update will be available as it was promised for last week?

Same problem here.  Glad to hear the I wasn't the only one.


Hi Michael,

I don't understand your question. Please create your own topic in the appropriate forum section detailing your issue.

Will this also fix the app? When I open a url from app it opens a NULL page?

The issue has been fixed internally. We'll perform some internal testing and an update should be available this week.

I have the same issue.  It started sometime in the last week.

Hi everyone,

Yes, this seems to be a bug or issue with our latest release. We will have this fixed soon, and have an update out next week to fix this issue.

Same problem here.  Clicking the URL does not work anymore.

Yes, me too.  What tests do you run before posting an update?  Is this an across-the-board problem, or isolated to certain conditions?

I have the same problem. Just started today 04/07/18.

I think that you hit the nail on the head, Vic.  The question is; however: when will mSeven get the update fixed? Not that I'm blaming you. You're just being helpful and I truly appreciate that!


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