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I am having a problem syncing to devices. My iPhone is up and running however syncing to my iPad has been a nightmare. Taking a photo to import Is my issue. Can someone give me the basics ABC’s how to do it I would greatly appreciate it

Hi Maury,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. What version of mSecure are you using on all of your devices? It looks like you have an mSecure account for your email address so you've used or are using mSecure 5 on iOS. However, are you using mSecure 5 on your other devices? mSecure 5 will not sync with the previous versions so you need to make sure to download mSecure 5 and sign in to the exact same account if using mSecure 5 on any device.

You can download mSecure 5 here:





and here's an image that might help you understand what version(s) of mSecure you are using:

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