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Notes disappearing after typing line 4 on Mac

 Eden, this is a continuing thread from the last forum.  I logged on to see any updates and found there's now a new forum.  Was there anything resolved with this issue?

When typing in notes in a new or existing entry, after the third line of the note, all the notes disappear from the screen.  If saved, they are recorded in the entry.  If edited past the third line, they disappear again.

Video is here:

Upgrading to High Sierra also remedied this situation for me.

I was running El Capitan, and recently upgraded to High Sierra.  I'm unable to replicate the issue now.


Hi Dave, 

I understand that it is very repeatable for you on your device(s). It also seems that Dwight is having the same issues here. However, I'm unable to reproduce this issue at all on several Mac computers. All MacBook Pro's 13" and 15" running macOS 10.13 though. Perhaps this is an issue with macOS 10.12 or 10.11? Dwight is running El Capitan or macOS 10.11. What macOS version are you using on your computer?

This is exactly my original issue I entered.  It's very repeatable.


I did your steps above, but I'm still having the issue.  Once I enter a note on line 4, the whole note disappears.  If I place my cursor in the password field, press tab once, then Select All (Command + A), then Copy.  I can paste the contents from the clipboard into my notes app.  So the data is there, I just can't see it when editing a "Login" entry.  After I save the entry, I can see the notes displayed just fine.  As a work around, I enter my notes in another editor, then copy/paste them into the note field.

Hi Dwight,

My first recommendation to see if we can fix this issue would be to have you remove the database file (mSecure.mscb) and sign back in to your account here. 

1. Quit mSecure on your Mac
2. Open a Finder window and using the menus at the top, select the ‘Go’ -> ‘Go to Folder…’
3. Enter
~/Library/Containers/com.mseven.msecuremac/Data/Library/Application Support/mSecure
4. Click ‘Go’
5. Move the mSecure.mscb file to the trash

6. Restart your computer
7. Re-launch mSecure
8. Sign in to your account

Please make sure to have access to your QR code before reinstalling the app:

Please let me know if you're still experiencing this issue after signing back into your account.

This happening to my Mac too.  

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)

Processor: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory: 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3

Graphics:  Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB

OS X El Capitan

Hi Dave,

I think I remember your post on our previous forum. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I cannot recreate your issue here. 

Can you tell me more about your Mac? 

  1. macOS version
  2. Type of Mac
  3. Processor
  4. Memory
  5. Video Card

Also, have you taken any steps to troubleshoot this issue? Have you restarted your computer or reinstalled mSecure 5?

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