Hi Daphne,
Thank you for contacting us. I'll be able to help you get everything moved over to mSecure 6. Before I sent any instructions, I need to get some information from you. First, what type of phone was your old phone and what type of phone is your new phone? Also, do you still have access to your old phone, and are you still able to open mSecure 4 to view your information?
I was using my msecure 6 on my Samsung S21 through the samsung Pass for a while. After changing to S 24, the export went ok and I was able to access msecure several times without any problem. Now, at once , I have the message that the password was changed and is not accepting my password. How can I rest the PW without losing my information?
Hi Maxime,
The first thing we need to do here is clarify something. There is no way that mSecure could be telling you that your password was changed for no reason. This message will be displayed for one of two reasons: 1) You changed the password for your account in mSecure on a different device; 2) You reset your account on our website.
Just so I'm sure I understand what's happening here, can you write out the exact message you are seeing in mSecure when you try to enter your password? If I know exactly what mSecure is telling you, that may help me to get to the bottom of what's happening.
When I launch the app, it asks for the "mot de passe" saying votre mot de passe a été modifié . When I enter a passworld, the answer is mot de passe incorrect veuillez réessayer. Same thing on my other device, an Ipad pro. I used the face recognition on the Ipad and the digital one on the samsung for a long time, so I forgot the password.
I still have the email of activation, do you think I could reset the password without erasing everything?
Hi Maxime,
I'm not sure what's happening here, but I don't think that message you are seeing is right. I can see in our analytics that you have not done a password change, so it's possible there is a mismatched message in the app when running in the French language. At any rate, there is no way to reset the password for mSecure without deleting the data if you don't know the password. That's one of the main reasons why your data is as secure as it is, because if it were possible to keep the data on a forgotten password, that would mean the password was readable in some form, somewhere outside of the app, which is not good when it comes to data security. The only place the password is know is in the memory of the account owner.
However, if you are able to open mSecure on any of your devices using Face or Touch ID, you should be able to change the password in the app's Settings. Are you able to open the app on any of your devices?
unfortunatly not. I have it only on these two devices. I will try to switch the langage again to english, restart the Samsung, and pray. Thank you for your help.
@Mohg Do you need help with mSecure?
I need help with mSecure
Thank you for contacting us. Are you having troubles with mSecure on one or more of your devices? If so, please explain in detail what's going wrong, and I'll be happy to help.
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