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Android Autofill

With the latest mSecure release, signing in to your online accounts is easier than ever. Whether you're using third-party apps like Facebook and Netflix or logging in through Google Chrome, you can now access your accounts more quickly. 

Enable Android Autofill Service

Before you can use Android Autofill to fill in your username and password, you must enable it in mSecure's Settings. 

  1. Open mSecure.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top left corner.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. In the Auto-login section, toggle Autofill on.
  5. Select mSecure when prompted. 
  6. Tap OK to enable the mSecure Autofill service.

Once enabled, a bar will appear above your keyboard whenever your tap into the Username or Password fields on most login pages in third-party apps and websites in Chrome. 

Autofill for Third-Party Apps

  1. Open the app you want to log into. 
  2. Navigate to the Sign in or Login screen.
  3. Tap the Username or Password field.
  4. Select the correct login from the autofill suggestions at the top of the keyboard.

Autofill for Websites in Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome. 
  2. Go to the website's login page.
  3. Tap the Username or Password field. 
  4. Select the correct login from the autofill suggestions at the top of the keyboard.

Important Notes

Required Fields for Autofill

Autofill will only work with records that include the following field types:

  • URL
  • Username
  • Password

To ensure your stored credentials can be auto-filled, use the default "Logins" template, which includes all the necessary fields. If you're using a custom template, make sure it includes these three field types. The field labels don't matter - onle the assigned field types do. 

Linking an App to mSecure for Autofill

If you want mSecure to autofill credentials in a third-party app, you must link that app to mSecure by setting the App Name field. This field is only available in the default "Logins" template. 

Set the App Name Field:

  1. Open mSecure.
  2. Find and open the Login record for the app.
  3. Tap the pencil icon in the top right to edit the record.
  4. Tap the grid icon next to the App Name field.
  5. Select the correct app from the list.
  6. Tap the check mark to save your changes.

If you've been using a custom template, you'll need to edit the record and change its templates to "Logins" before setting the App Name field.

Reporting Issues

Sometimes, the Android Autofill feature may not work correctly due to issues with how an app or website is designed. If their sign-in forms is not properly implemented, Android and mSecure may not be able to auto-fill your credentials. Unfortunately, these types of issues are beyond our control.

However, if you encounter a problem that may be fixable, we encourage you to report it. 

How to Report an Issue

  1. Click "Submit a Ticket" at the bottom of this page.
  2. Provide the following details"

App name and/or website URL.

Description of the issue (what happens when you try to use autofill). 

We will investigate the issue and let you know whether it can be fixed. 

Before Reporting a Problem

Please ensure Android Autofill is enabled in mSecure's settings. Double-check the "Enable the mSecure Autofill Service" section above to confirm your setup is correct. 

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