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Change Account Username

Learn how to change your mSecure account email address in mSecure 6. 

Important: The new email address must not already be in use within our mSecure account system. If you receive a message stating that an account with the email already exists, or if you encounter any issues, please contact


  1. Open and unlock mSecure 6.
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Tap Account Settings.
  5. Tap the Edit (pencil) icon to change your username.
  6. Enter a new email address. 
  7. Tap Update.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure 6. 
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Tap Account Settings.
  5. Tap the Edit (pencil) icon to change your username. 
  6. Enter a new email address.
  7. Tap OK.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure 6. 
  2. Click mSecure from the top menu bar, then select Preferences (or use Command + Comma).
  3. Click Account. 
  4. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to change your username.
  5. Enter a new email address.
  6. Click OK.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure 6.
  2. Click the Settings icon in the bottom-left corner.
  3. Click the Change Username. 
  4. Enter a new email address.
  5. Click Update.

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