Hi Eric,
Thank you for your feedback. I need to get more information on what you are asking for here. Is there nothing in your records that gives you a simple differentiation between records? Are you saying that all of your records are named the same and have the same username/email address? For my data, I don't ever have a problem easily differentiating at some level between records when I'm searching, but that must mean my data is laid out much different than yours. Can you give me a fake example of how around 3 or 4 records always get returned? Maybe if I see how things are laid for your information, I will be able to help without any changes to the app.
Ok, I understand what you're saying here, and it's possible to add a toggle for a specific field, but it's definitely not a trivial addition. It is true that the shorter the search, the more likely you'll get hits with data in other fields, but that's the case with most search features. Can you let me know which devices you are using, because I know on Mac and iOS you would simply put in some data for the username then add a space and then add more data for something else in the title. That would perform an "AND" search and narrow down your results nicely.
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