Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. With mSecure 5.5.3, mSecure checks your default language and will rename your labels to their default label names. This language check will not happen again unless your default language for your device is change.
You mean the Windows default language? Because I have not seen any possibility to change the language in mSecure even if you announced a translation support for French, German, Italian, and Spanish in the m Secure 5.5.3.
mSecure 5 goes by whatever your device's language is set to. Unfortunately, this issue happened because mSecure 5 is doing the check on a system that is already set to English as well.
I have updated on the last version 5.5.510 yesterday. I had customized most of fields and default type names before that (changed or translated into my language etc.). After the update all the customized fields and names have been changed back to default. I have to spend hours to change it back manually now. Will be such situation repeated with any other future update? It is a big disappointment for me.
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