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mSecure Support

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No longer use mSecure

I no longer use mSecure. Ho do I cancel the account?

Thank you for contacting us. I can help you with the deletion of your account, but before we do that, I have a couple things to go over.

First, is there anything you experienced in mSecure that makes you want to delete your account? Typically, our users don't want to delete their account even when they move to a different password manager, so I'm wondering if something went wrong, or if you have questions about the security of your information? If anything went wrong or you have any questions, I would love the opportunity to help.

Also, if you have any feedback, please feel free to share it. The information we receive from our users about their experience with mSecure is vital for the ongoing development of the app even if it's negative in nature. We can only get better moving forward, and all types of feedback can help us in that endeavor.

One thing to mention, in your case, you have a V5 Pro license on your account. This license is perpetual but only as long as the account exists. That license is what grants you access to Essentials features in the newest mSecure apps. If you delete your account, that license will be forfeit. An option here is to simply reset your account, which deletes all of the encrypted data stored in our servers, which is what most people want to do. Then your account stays active with your Pro license on it in case you decide to use it at a later time.

I also want to know if you are trying to cancel your subscription on your account and not the account entirely. Cancelling the account entirely will delete all of the data on your account.

How would you like to proceed?

Cancel my account entirely

Hi Chuck,

I have responded to your ticket in our ticket system.

cancel account

help me cancel account as no longer using

Thank you for contacting us. I can help you with the deletion of your account, but before we do that, I have a couple things to go over.

First, is there anything you experienced in mSecure that makes you want to delete your account? Typically, our users don't want to delete their account even when they move to a different password manager, so I'm wondering if something went wrong, or if you have questions about the security of your information? If anything went wrong or you have any questions, I would love the opportunity to help.

Also, if you have any feedback, please feel free to share it. The information we receive from our users about their experience with mSecure is vital for the ongoing development of the app even if it's negative in nature. We can only get better moving forward, and all types of feedback can help us in that endeavor.

How would you like to proceed?

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