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I have purchased the Pro license yet. it asks me to purchase again.


1 Person hat dieses Problem

Hi Michael,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. I see that you created an account for the email you are using on this forum on Feb. 23rd, 2017. You started using this account or restarted using this account on the 2nd of this year. However, I see no purchase for this account in our system. Did you purchase a license using a different account? Can you provide me proof of purchase? With it, I can fix things so that your account is set to be a paid account.


I have previously purchased mSecure, however, my computer crashed and I want to install it again, but I dont want to pay for it again.

it may have been purchased using my old work email address of, but I no longer work for that organization.


My mSecure for Windows order number is : SU 46589588966 and the serial number is MSW-H2KQ-LEGN-NYVN-LWQ5-92N9

Did you receive my purchase order number since I don't see it displayed?

Hi Greg,

I'm not sure if you have figured this out or not, but you should be able to install the old 3.5.7 version of mSecure, and you license should activate the app. You can download the older version of mSecure by following the instructions in this article on our support site:

After installing 3.5.7, were you able to use your serial number to activate mSecure?

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