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Sort by letter on Mac version, and persistent scroll bar

This feature is included in the iOS version. When listed, you can quickly scroll through the items based on letter. Could this be added to the Mac app?

Also, the mac version lacks a persistent scroll bar to quick drag down. It appears when you scroll with the mouse wheel or trackpad, and then you can quickly click it before it disappears, but it would be nice to be able to quickly click and drag it, especially with larger amounts of entries.


Hi Ryan,

Thank you for the feature request. On Mac, you can change your scrollbar preferences to always show the scrollbar if you'd like:

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Click General
  3. Under Show Scroll bars, select Always 

That will make it so that the scrollbar always shows. Also, if you have your pointer next to the scrollbar or on it, the scrollbar will stay on for longer though you can always use your trackpad or mouse to scroll as well.

Eden, the scrollbar issue is a reported bug in mSecure 5 on macOS. It's been there for a while.

Hi Geoffrey,

So far you are the only person reporting a scrollbar issue. Ryan here is asking for alpha-scroller and might be wanting the scrollbar to always show. That is why I provided instructions on doing so. Since they did not respond in over a month, I am assuming my instructions to always show the scrollbar worked for them here.

Can anyone running into issues with our scrollbar on Mac please let me know their macOS version?


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