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Soporte mSecure

ios to android transfer

I presently have an iphone 7 plus running the latest version of msecure, i am thinking about buying a new android phone, galaxy note 9 and i am wondering if the process to change my data and android version of msecure is easy to do

1 Persona tiene esta pregunta

HI Tony,

Thank you for contacting us. You don't have to do anything extra if you are using mSecure 5. You simply download mSecure 5 on iOS, Android, Mac, and(or) Windows and sign in to your mSecure account. If using our mSecure Cloud syncing method, your information will be available to you as soon as you authenticate your account. If using Dropbox syncing, you will need to go into the mSecure 5 settings on Android and link your Dropbox account. If using WiFi syncing, you will need to have mSecure 5 on Mac or Windows opened and unlock and on the same local network as your Android and you should be able to sync via WiFi that way as well.

Android - iOS

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