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Soporte mSecure

Cannot migrate data

I deleted all backups on iCloud and Dropbox

I was never asked for my MSecure pro/5 purchase number from today.  Is it linked to my email or did I just purchase it for nothing?

I finally figured out how to restore my email data.  I restored from email yes, but would like to migrate the current MSecure data (the app that won’t let me open due to developer needs to update error).

please help with these two things:

1) did I waste $16 on buying the upgrade since I was never asked for a proof of purchase?

2) get my current data into MSecure pro since it will not prompt me to merge my data

thank you,

Loyal customer since forever 

Hi Margo,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing here. The first thing I want to do is just be absolutely certain you have access to your data in mSecure 5. I believe you do based on you saying you figured out how to restore your data from an email backup, but I just want to be sure.

I think you are now having a problem where all of your data was not in the backup you restored from, but I'm not sure. If you were able to restore from an email backup, I would think you would have all your data restored. Is that not the case? If not, can you provide some more detail on how you created the email backup and why it didn't have all your data stored in it?

Regarding your purchase, you didn't buy your Pro license for no reason. mSecure 5 is a paid upgrade, so the license is needed to make use of certain features in the app. I checked your account in our system, and it shows you have a Pro license, so that is a good thing. For clarification, mSecure 5 doesn't ask for a proof of purchase when you sign in to your account. The license is actually applied to your account, so when you sign in, the app knows whether or not the license exists. You can check your account type by tapping the menu icon in the top left corner of mSecure, then tap Settings, then tap Account Settings. You should see "Pro" next to the account type.

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