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Soporte mSecure

Data Transfer

I forgot my password so when I got a new phone it told me to set up a new account and transfer the data. I set up the new account but can’t transfer the data.

1 Persona tiene esta pregunta

Hi Ken,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure what you mean here when you say it told me to set up a new account and transfer your data. Are you saying you saw that somewhere in mSecure or on our support site? The only way you can transfer your information if you either have access to the information on at least one device, or you have a backup and know the password that was used when the backup was created.

Do you happen to have your old phone, and if so, are you able to view your information in mSecure on that device? If not, do you have a backup of your information, and do you know the password that was used in mSecure when the backup was created?

One thing to mention, I can get you access to your account if you are locked out of it, but that requires an account reset. Account resets destroy the data stored in mSecure, so let me know if you are ready to start fresh.

So I finally broke down and paid the $20/year for the upgraded version for the Essentials account.  My issues in how do I get all the data that I had in the free mSecure over into the new version?  First on my phone, I have just sent an email back up to myself, tried to connect via wifi, and I cannot seem to figure it out ...any help would be greatly appreciated...I also have added the app to my computer and want to sync the data here as well...again, I am sure it is a simple solution, so thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Todd,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure you'll need to user the email backup you sent. Real quick, I take what you are saying here to mean you have been using mSecure 4 and that you still have that app installed on your phone. I'm also taking it that your pone is an iPhone, but I'm not entirely sure about that. If I'm right, then you should not have to restore from an email backup. Instead, if mSecure 6 is installed on the same phone that mSecure 4 is installed, you should see an option to restore from mSecure 4 in mSecure 6's Settings.

You can follow these instructions:

  1. Open mSecure 6
  2. Tap the menu button in the top left corner (3 stacked lines)
  3. Tap Settings in the menu
  4. Scroll down, and tap "Restore from mSecure 4"
  5. Tap that, then enter the password you use to get into mSecure 4

Were you able to transfer your data from mSecure 4 into mSecure 6?


No problem at all Todd! It's good to hear you were able to get your data migrated. Take care and let me know if you need further assitance.

Similar, but I have no idea what my password was for msecure 4. I can still open my msecure app on my old phone.

Hi Jennifer,

I have responded to your email sent. I will keep working with you via email.

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