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Soporte mSecure

Touch ID


Help please!!!! My touch ID disappeared from Mac. How can I recover it?  My Mac is a Ventura 13.2


1 Persona tiene este problema

Hi Amalia,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. In another thread, you mentioned that you removed the Touch ID settings on your Mac. Can you explain what happened? Are you saying that Touch ID no longer works at all on your Mac, or is it just not working for mSecure?

Also, are you now able to open and unlock mSecure on any device, or are you locked out of the app? What happens if you try to enter your password manually?

M Secure says that my computer does not support Touch ID.  It does, however.  How to remedy?

Hi Stan,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not aware of any messages in mSecure that tell you your computer doesn't support Touch ID. Can you send a screenshot of the message you are seeing? If I can see what mSecure is telling you, that should help me get the issue resolved quickly.

I'm experiencing the same problem as Stan....running OS Sonoma 14.3.1

Hi Michael,

Can you send me a screenshot of the message you are seeing? As I mentioned to Stan, I'm not aware of any messages in mSecure that tell you your computer doesn't support Touch ID. If I can see that message, it should help either me or our developer figure out what's going wrong.

Same problem. No more touch since two months, with previous OS. Now Mac OS Sequoia 15.3.1. No problem with passwords.

Mac OS Sequoia, no touch. Also with previou OS  since  few months

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