Hi Jerry,
The Chrome extension is live, and it should work as advertised in the browser extension article. The only thing I can think of that would cause what you are experiencing is that the Native Messaging Host file was not created correctly or has been damaged in some way. Go ahead and open a Finder window on your Mac, then click "Go > Go to Folder" in the menu bar at the top left of your screen. In the field that gets displayed over Finder, paste this information:
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I'm on a Windows 10 machine.
Hi Jerry,
Ok, this is making sense now, and I should have seen that you posted this in the Windows category of the forum. I'm sorry I didn't see that before writing my original response. At this time, the Chrome extension is only supported in Mac. However, we do have plans to port it over to Windows as soon as possible. It won't be implemented in the 6.1 release that will be ready soon, but we plan to start working on it for the 6.2 release.
I suspected as much. One would think that Chrome would check which platform is running it and not download an extension meant only for Macs or vice versa.
Thank you.
I'm in total agreement with you that Chrome should be doing a platform check. I was amazed when I set up the extensions and found the only thing I could do was to explain to the user in the description it was only supported on Mac. I think the problem is that if it was a typical extension, it would work in both Mac and Windows. Actually, the browser code for the extension actually does work on Windows, but there is much more to the feature than just what happens in the browser. The browser extension has to communicate locally with the mSecure app installed on the computer, and that's where the issues arise. Google isn't taking that into account because it's not very likely use case for extension developers, which is unfortunate. The good news is it will be supported on both platforms as soon as possible.
Take care Jerry, and please let me know if you need further assistance.
Any best guess estimate as to when the app may work as an extension via chome in windows laptop?. I look into this every 6 mos or so as I'd really like to get rid of Norton Password Manager which is what I still use on my laptop for the login autofill feature. Sorry to be a pest, but have been anticipating this for several years (- ;
Hi Carrie,
Thank you for contacting us. The 6.2 version that will be released on all platforms is still currently being worked on and tested at this time. Every day we are testing and adding new features in the new version which needs to be tested time and time again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this has been on you, but we are trying our very best to release the best product to you. I will say, we are mainly doing testing now rather than building of the actual new version. We are planning on releasing this 6.2 version in the coming months this year.
All the discussion regarding the Chrome extension seems to be for the beta version. I've installed the extension and it doesn't behave anything like the browser extension article. The shortcut (ctrl-shift-e) nor clicking on the extension icon (as shown in the same article) gets no response. I assume that it's a setting in Chrome but I don't know where to look.