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mSecure Accounts Explained

Important clarifications:

  • mSecure 6 is the first version to use an account system. 
  • mSecure 4 and earlier versions used a device-specific login password without an account system. These versions are no longer available. 
  • If you've never used mSecure 6 or purchased an mSecure 5 Pro license, you don't have an mSecure account in our system. 

Previous mSecure Versions

Many loyal mSecure users have encountered confusion when transitioning to mSecure 6. This article explains how the new account system works and how it impacts users moving from older versions. 

Before mSecure 6, no account system existed. In the absence of a centralized online system, each device required a separate purchase, as there was no way for mSecure to track licenses across multiple devices. Licensing was managed through app stores, and users had to purchase the app again for each device. While this may have seemed inconvenient, it was due to the lack of an online system to store licensing information. 

mSecure 6 Account System

With mSecure 6, we now use our own servers, creating a centralized account system. This means that you no longer need to buy separate licenses for each device. Simply create your mSecure account, purchase a subscription, and the app will recognize your plan on any device (iOS, Mac, Android, or Windows) where you sign in. 

Key Points to Remember:

  • Older versions of mSecure (mSecure 3 and 4) do not support the account system. Licensing was handled by the app store, not mSecure's servers.
  • If you're transitioning to mSecure 6, you must create an mSecure account to use the new features. 
  • Even if you've used mSecure for years, you need to create an account within the mSecure 6 app to proceed. 


One of the benefits of the mSecure account system is simplified syncing across devices. With mSecure Cloud sync enabled, your data is securely stored in the cloud and synced across devices after signing in. Any change made on one device will automatically sync to all other devices linked to your account. 

If you don't want to use mSecure Cloud, you can opt for Dropbox or iCloud (on Mac and iOS only) syncing, or use Wi-Fi syncing to store data locally on your devices without the cloud. 

Post-Account Creation Experience

Once you've created your account and selected a sync method (or none), mSecure 6 works similarly to previous versions. When locked, you'll use biometric authentication or a password to unlock the app and access your information. After the initial sign-in, you won't need to enter your username (the email address associated with your account) again. 

Need help?

If you already have an mSecure account, you can troubleshoot password issues using this article.

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